Nothing makes you feel comfortable and satisfied as what we about to offer:
Nearby Doctors
Find nearby doctors to assist your health. We always care about your well-being so a realiable doctor is what we can offer and give you peace of mind.
AI Integration
We want you to be knowleagable on the diseases and medicines to keep you well-informed. Nothing beats a well prepared understanding about diseases and medicines.
Pharmacies and Medicines
We offer a look-up with medicines to all of the pharmacies. So you can check if that medicine is available in that pharmacy before you go.
App Features
Happy Patients
We can offer more than what you wish for so that we can give you an ease of mind.
- Users can search for doctors by specialty, such as general practitioners, pediatricians, dermatologists, and more.
- The app utilizes GPS to provide a list of nearby doctors, complete with addresses, contact information, and directions.
- Quickly find pharmacies in the user’s vicinity with real-time location tracking.
- Check the availability of specific medications before visiting the pharmacy.
Download our app in the AppStore and Playstore. Links are provided below.
- Download the App Search for our app in your device's app store. Download and install it on your smartphone or tablet.
- Create an Account Launch the app and sign up for a new account. Provide the required information, such as your name, email address, and phone number.
- Browse Doctors Open the app go to doctors tab and find which doctor you need.
- Browse Pharmacies Go to the pharmacy tab and find pharmacies nearby to you.
- AI Dokie Ask help from our AI companion that educates you about medicines and diseases.
We ask for your feedback by giving a rating for the pharmacy.
- You can help improve a pharmacy by leaving a rating and reviews.
- Pharmacies will be able to check your review and take your advice and further improve their service.
- We review your feedback and make sure all your suggestions will be considered.
We always offer a 100% satisfaction by using our app. Your happiness while using our app gives us an utmost happiness.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find the app?
We provide an AppStore and Playstore link above to download the app
How can I find nearby pharmacies?
Finding pharmacies is a 1 search away in our homescreen or in the pharmacies tab.
Can I find information about diseases and medicines?
Yes, you can by using our AI Dokie that helps you understand the disease and medicine.
Can I check available medicine on that pharmacy?
Yes, you can. In the pharmacy details page, we added a pill icon and when you tapped it, it will show all the medicines available in that pharmacy.
How can I contact customer support?
You can reach our dedicated customer support team by accessing the "Contact Us" section in the app or by visiting our website. We provide multiple channels for contacting customer support, including phone, email, and live chat. Our team is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries, concerns, or issues you may have.
Do we need to create account before using the app?
No, you can use the app without logging in. Benefits for login is to be able to rate or review a certain pharmacy.
Can I delete my account if not used?
Yes, you can request deletion of your account by going to Menu tab > Settings > Delete Account. It will ask for validation process to confirm if it is you who are requesting it.
Contact Us
North Capitol Hill, Denver, CO, USA
+1 (800) 247-4476